You goals will only be achievable if your mindset is sustainable. Once we approach this journey with the right balance and understanding, the results with flow. 

Knowledge Base

4 Practical Tools to Reduce Stress, In The Moment

March 29, 2023

Are you feeling overwhelmed and anxious? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In fact, most of us experience these feelings from time to time. Did you know that you can actually use your body to help calm your mind? By tapping into your parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), you can slow down your heart rate, lower your […]

4 Holiday Food Situations + How I Navigate the Christmas Period

December 2, 2022

The holidays are there to be ENJOYED, so know that whilst it’s great for your to make healthier choices and moderate portions, you should also indulge a little in your favourite foods and be with your loved ones at parties! For some people though, it can be a time of anxiety when they’ve been working […]

An array of food in a flatlay image. A pizza surrounded by hummus, coriander, lemons, cucumber, olives and a kale salad featuring some avocado and red onion.

5 tips to Overcome Emotional Eating

August 11, 2022

We have ALL had stints with emotional eating. Sometimes those stints can be for a short period of time (ew, heartache!), or becomes a habitual cycle that acts as a common coping mechanism for boredom, sadness or fear. Frustratingly, emotional eating is often a habit that is not aligned with our core values and goals, […]

Here we see our founder Sal, half squatting down with her hands resting on her knees taking a break between her workout sets. She's dressed in all black everything with her blonde hair sitting absolutely perfectly as always!

How to Hack Healthy Habit Formation

August 3, 2022

What’s a habit? Habits are “actions that are triggered automatically in response to contextual cues that have been associated with their performance.” It can take anywhere from 18 to 254 days for a person to form a new habit and an average of 66 days for a new behavior to become automatic. Your brain likes […]